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Nissan R390 and heyday

Nissan R390; Nissan R390 GT CAR; Nissan R390 GT; Nissan R390 Classic car; Nissan R390 rare car; rare autocar; asian rare car; top car; nissan top car; nissan rare car
Nissan R390

Nissan R390 this can not be ruled out. Designed to compete in the Le Mans GT1 category in the 1990s, Nissan R390 comes with a very aggressive look.

Moreover, the car is much sought after by collectors exclusively.

Therefore, this car is only produced as a two course with one unit kept by Nissan.

On the hood of the car have a 3.5-liter engine that has been equipped with a twin-turbo V8. With these machines, Nissan R390 is said to accelerate to 3.8 seconds for 0-100 km / h. Meanwhile, the power of 550 hp at birth also makes it capable of driving hingga315 km / h.

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